Potential collaborators are invited to submit abstracts that address the main theme: Critical Constellations: ‘Working Class’ and/in Academia.
Possible themes for the contextualisation of activities and/or presentations:
- Art, Activism and Class.
- Intersectionality.
- Class as an influence on pedagogy.
- Pedagogies of the working class.
- Autobiographical journeys beyond the divide.
- Critical economics.
- The University as a class barrier.
- Environmentalism and the working class.
- “Must we leave to achieve?”: Education, social mobility and the resituating of the working class.
- The reification and commodification of the working class.
- Performance, the Academy and working class.
- A digital planet – barrier of enabler for working class engagement.
- Being a working class student.
- ‘Housework, children, jobs and cooking’: working class women on/in academia.
- Class and migration.
- Faith and class.
- Imposter Syndrome and Jonah Complex: the challenges of coming to terms with being working class academics.